Below, you will find the answers to a variety of common questions related to Preview.
Preview FAQS
What happens if I live five hours (or more) from campus and cannot attend a summer session of Preview?
Please contact us directly at (330) 823-8685 or by email at
Why do I have to come to Preview?
There are many benefits to attending Preview.
- Meet a ton of new people!
- Schedule classes for fall semester
- Take the math and/or foreign language proficiency exam
- Get your student ID card picture taken and receiving your Purple Plu$ Card
- Learn more about your major, minor, and general education curriculum
When and how will I receive confirmation for Preview?
Once the Office of First Year Initiatives receives your registration and processes your information, your confirmation will be emailed to your University of Mount Union email address. Please make sure to check your Mount Union email regularly and often! Should you need to change your session after a confirmation has been sent, please call the Office of First Year Initiatives at (330) 823-8685.
Do I have to stay overnight in campus housing?
Yes, all students are required to stay overnight during Preview.
Do we have to attend all the sessions?
You select one Preview session to attend. You are required to attend the session in its entirety, including all of the programming occurring over the two days you are on campus.
When is Preview over?
Preview ends around 3 p.m. on day 2. At the end of the Preview program, all participants will need to check-out. During check-out, you will return your housing keys and students will pick up their Purple Plu$ card.
Does a family member need to attend Preview with me?
Family members are welcome and encouraged to attend the Preview. However, it is not required. Many students bring family members while others come on their own. It is up to you. We do have programs and information for parents and families, so if they do attend, it will be beneficial for them. Be sure to note, however, that there is a cost for guests to attend. It is $50 per person.
Why is there a $50 fee per family member?
The $50 per guest charge is an administrative fee that helps to fund the entire Preview program including meals, handouts, giveaways, and staffing. This charge is only applicable to each guest who attends with a new student, not to the new student attending.
Where do my family members or guests stay overnight?
Family members and guests are welcome to stay in one of Mount Union’s suite-style, air-conditioned halls on campus at no extra cost or can choose to stay at area hotels in Alliance. Fees are not waived or reduced for not staying in the halls.
Can younger children attend?
We ask that younger children, especially those under the age of 10, not attend Preview.
If I have a disability or me or my guest is in need of accommodation during Preview, who do I contact?
If you are in need of accommodations during Preview, please be sure to indicate that on the online reservation form. You may also contact the Office of First Year Initiative at (330) 823-8685. If you have a need for an accommodation during the school year due to a documented disability, please contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services at or call (330) 823-7372.
Will I receive my housing assignment at Preview?
Students will receive their housing assignment during the first week of August. Housing assignments will be sent to your Mount Union email account.
How do I sign up to live on campus?
All students must complete the housing application, even those who plan to commute to campus. At this site, you will be able to apply for campus housing, indicate your hall preferences, complete a profile that will help us to match you with a roommate, and also request a specific roommate. All specific roommate requests must be mutual.
Can I turn in my health forms while at Preview?
There will be a drop-box at the information desk for Health Center Forms during Preview. The forms are going to be sent to the Health Center on Tuesdays after each Preview weekend. If you have questions or want to ensure that forms were received, please call (330) 823-2692 the week following your session.
Is it best to come to an earlier session so I don’t get closed out of classes later in the summer?
It actually doesn’t matter. The academic advisor works with the student to compose a schedule of classes that best fits his or her needs both co-curricularly and academically. Every student ends up with a schedule, regardless of which Preview session they attend.
What is FYS?
The FYS or First Year Seminar, is an academic class that's part of the institution's Integrative Core. This course serves to introduce the core learning abilities (with particular emphasis on communication skills) in the context of academic inquiry. In this course, you will begin to develop a complete perspective of a liberal arts education, understand critical thinking in the university context and become oriented to university life. Additionally, the faculty member who teaches this seminar will serve as your initial academic advisor and will help you explore the opportunities of a University of Mount Union education, including scheduling for classes until you’ve declared a major. As you register for Preview, you’ll have the chance to preference up to 5 options for which section you would like to take, as each one is different!