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Dr. John Recchiuti

Professor of Political Science and History | John & Helen Saffell Endowed Chair in Humanities

“Our programs in history and political science at the University of Mount Union are wonderful! If you are an undergraduate looking for a place to study, I encourage you to join us!”


Ph.D. Columbia University
M.A. Columbia University and University of Warwick, U.K.
B.A. Wesleyan University, magna cum laude



What research have you incorporated into your teaching?

Not only have all the many aspects of my research found their way into my teaching, but my experiences in the world also contribute to the curricula in our History and our Political Science curricula at Mount Union. For example, the United States Department of State (the State Department) sent me to Islamabad, Pakistan several years ago--as part of the United States' "soft power" efforts in the region. It was a fascinating experience that afforded me the opportunity to talk with faculty and graduate students about American politics and culture--and I learned a good deal about U.S.-Pakistan relations and the many challenges Pakistan faces. In another instance, I traveled with Mount Union students and a colleague to Singapore for a spring break trip as part of a course on "Dynamic World Cities." I have also learned a great deal traveling around the United States with the NCHE (National Council for History Education) to help lead workshops for K-12 teachers... I incorporate elements from each of these projects and experiences into Mount Union's curricula.


Favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of my job is teaching and the opportunity to work with colleagues. An administrator, in recommending me for a spot on the Fulbright Specialist roster, summed it: "John has the amazing ability to speak lucidly and learnedly about an astonishingly broad range of topics. His classes are stimulating, challenging, and erudite. His student evaluations are filled with comments about his breadth and depth of knowledge, and about his charming and delightful wit. He demonstrates the ability to inspire his students and to encourage the best students to be even better." We have a terrific faculty at Mount Union, and it is a great honor to work with my colleagues and our students. At Mount Union, you won't get lost in the crowd. We professors take a caring concern for the education of our students.


Outside of political science and history

Other than my profession, I am passionate about my wife, Amy, and my children, Jack and Elizabeth. I’m also passionate about understanding the present, and working to make things better globally.