Mount Union and Capital Law Partner for 3+3 BA/JD Program
June 06, 2018BEXLEY, Ohio, — The University of Mount Union and Capital University have announced the expansion of Capital’s 3+3 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)/Juris Doctor (J.D.) program to Mount Union students.
The expansion enables law school hopefuls from Mount Union to earn both undergraduate and law degrees in just six years instead of the standard seven-year timeframe. Capital was the first undergraduate institution and corresponding law school in Ohio to offer this accelerated option, launching to its own students in 2015.
“By expanding this program to students at the University of Mount Union, Capital is providing a more direct path to legal education for highly motivated students with law school aspirations,” said Dr. Jody Fournier, provost and vice president for learning at Capital University. “Our program blends rigor with individual attention and community-engaged learning experiences in the capital city of Columbus, ensuring that students enter the legal profession practice-ready with a strong sense of purpose and connections that empower them to impact our community and the world – both personally and professionally.”
"The agreement between the University of Mount Union and Capital University on a 3+3 Bachelor of Arts/Juris Doctor program offers an attractive alternative to the traditional law school path for students who are passionate about pursuing a career in law,” said Dr. Francis Schortgen, associate professor and chair of the department of political science and international studies at the University of Mount Union. “The standards of academic excellence and rigor that define Mount Union's political science program and Capital's law program ensure that graduates of the 3+3 program are fully prepared and ready to capitalize on the opportunities and deal with the challenges of the professional world."
The 3+3 bachelor’s to J.D. program allows qualified Capital University students to choose any bachelor’s degree and count existing first-year courses in the J.D. curriculum toward their final undergraduate elective course requirements. University of Mount Union students pursuing an undergraduate major in political science can now do the same. Students must complete approximately 100 credit hours in the first three years at their undergraduate institution, followed by the J.D. curriculum at Capital University Law School, to earn dual degrees. Wrapping up its second full year at Capital, this offering is now available immediately for incoming and current undergraduate students at both institutions.
“The feedback from Capital students enrolling in this program has been very positive, so we’re eager to expand to new partners,” said Rachel Janutis, dean of Capital University Law School. “The University of Mount Union and Capital University Law School share similar approaches to teaching, learning and student experiences, which makes Mount Union a natural partner. Mount Union graduates have been among some of Capital Law’s most successful students and distinguished alumni. This partnership will help ensure Mount Union students enjoy an even smoother transition to law school while helping Capital bring high-quality legal education to more prospective students.”
Capital’s 3+3 program not only shaves an entire year off the undergraduate and law school path, but also decreases overall costs associated with tuition and room and board, and gives graduates a head start on entering the job market. Aligning with the institution’s overall mission, the program aims to make legal education accessible to students from different backgrounds and income levels, empowering graduates to enter the workforce without the significant financial burdens often associated with higher education.
Mount Union’s undergraduate program in political science combines classroom learning with real-world experience, including involvement in Model UN and Mock Trial. The program is focused on providing opportunities for networking and connecting with professionals in the field, including federal and state judges, elected officials, and leaders of law firms and corporations. As a result, graduates of the program have experienced exceptional success after graduation, with 94 percent of graduates of the classes of 2009 through 2016 securing degree-required careers or acceptance to graduate school within six months of graduation.
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