Write For Your Life
October 19, 2020Calliope, The University of Mount Union’s English Society, hosted “Write for Your Life” on Monday, October 19 where students expressed their feelings regarding social issues such as discrimination, political issues, police brutality and much more. This event, inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and many social injustices that have arisen over the past few months, allowed students to write from their perspectives about these issues through stories, poems and other media.
When asked about the event Siv Street, President of Gender Equity Matters said, “Our world has been flipped upside down these past few months and we want to get an opportunity to come out and express our emotions.”
Calliope co-sponsored this event with several diversity organizations on campus; Black Student Union, Association of International Students, Sister Circle, Brothers Building Bonds, Green Raiders, Gender Equity Matters, and PRIDE to make it a more open event. Many students that attended the event agreed that writing is a good way for people to express themselves, giving them an easier outlet to let out any emotions on a difficult subject and allow for their voices to be heard.
Find these submissions by visiting the Calliope website umucalliope.wixsite.com/calliope. Calliope is currently accepting submissions for their next piece titled “Racial Injustice.” For students interested in being a part of this organization, they hold meetings via Microsoft Teams on Fridays at 5 pm.