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175th Anniversary | Myths and Legends

In nearly two centuries of existence, Mount Union stories have been reflective of the famous rock that sits near the quad. Some tales that have started out as pebbles of their own have now turned into myths and legends the size of boulders.

An outdoor echo spot? A mummy in Chapman Hall? A bridge that can put a seal of approval on love? These are simply some examples of the folklore that makes Mount Union the unique place many have called home. New myths and legends are being created every day. Share your story with popular or lesser known campus tales.

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Alumni Stories

  1. Victoria Lehn '18

    In my last few days as a Mount Union student, I was preparing to give my Capstone final presentation along with my best friend and roommate throughout the entirety of college, Morgan Chapman. We finally had one class together as accounting and civil engineering students! Ironically, our last class before graduation was in Chapman Hall - the same place I had my very first class just four years earlier. Upon completion of our final presentations, we walked straight to the seal and took each other's pictures standing on it! Creating that last memory with her was something I will cherish forever.