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Mount Union Introduces New Student-Athlete Mentorship Program

July 11, 2022

ALLIANCE – Mount Union’s sport business program, in conjunction with the Office of Athletics, has announced a Student-Athlete Mentorship Program that will help student-athletes with their academic, athletic and professional careers.

The goal of the mentorship program is to pair up current student-athletes with Mount Union alumni professionals for one year; recruitment of mentors has already begun. Interested students' “mentees” will have to undergo an application process that will begin on July 15 and end on August 15.

According to Interim Athletic Director Mike Parnell and Steve Harter ‘84, collaborators of the program, its mission is to “provide student-athletes connections to professionals who will help them plan for and execute career goals.” This mission will be achieved by pairing student-athletes of junior and senior class standing with alumni industry partners who will assist them in clarifying their education, career and personal goals.


student pointing at peer laptop 

“We are looking to make sure Mount Union's first-generation students are ready for meaningful work. You don't need to have been an athlete to help these young men and women,” explained Harter.

“A mentor will be able to share real-world examples of the relevant tools and practices that will prepare student-athletes for successful careers,” added Parnell. “This program is an additional resource that helps provide clarity regarding what it takes to progress in a variety of professional careers. The program will take the high-quality academic curriculum that UMU provides and sprinkle on top the practical wisdom of the mentors to boost the initial and future career trajectory.”

Mentors and mentees will be paired up between August 15 and September 1. Program participants will attend the program orientation in September, be committed to participate throughout the academic year (August-April) and attend one-on-one meetings (virtual or in-person) each month.

“I think all alumni can identify with the importance of having a good mentor in their professional career. The program is designed in a way that the commitment should not feel overwhelming in terms of the time required over a one-year commitment,” explained Parnell. “The program allows for the flexibility of in-person or virtual sessions to accommodate their busy schedules. This is a huge opportunity to make a difference in the lives of UMU student-athletes by providing the knowledge, tools, and advice for their successful career transition.”

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