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Remote Learning at Mount Union

We Can’t Wait to Welcome You to Our Purple Raider Family!

Mount Union's dedicated staff and faculty are committed to creating exceptional learning experiences this fall. Even with the public health challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, you can count on our campus community to provide rigorous academic programs, a memorable college experience, and our unwavering support.

Below you will find admitted student resources and a few short videos from our students, faculty, and staff sharing challenges they experienced last semester and how they adjusted to virtual online formats.

Christian Lopez ’21

Christian shares how the campus community has supported him.

Mollie Thomas ’23

Mollie, a student-athlete, shares how she overcame challenges this past semester.

Christian Lopez

Mollie Thomas

Nichole Johnson - Religious Studies

Dr. Johnson explains how students were able to participate in the Spring Lobby Weekend virtually.

David Thiele - Department of English

Dr. Thiele explains how students diligently transitioned to new virtual online learning formats this past semester.

Nicole Johnson

David Thiele

Kevin Kern - Theatre

Kevin Kern, Chair of the Department of Theatre, shares a message to our future Purple Raiders!

Ryan Cook - Psychology

Dr. Cook describes what online learning looked like this past semester.

Kevin Kern

Ryan Cook

Admitted Student Resources

Find quick access to a number of pages that you may be seeking as an admitted student, scholarship information, a link to tuition and aid details, and additional services.

Featured Spotlights